
I need your help!

Hello all! In this post, I'd like to ask for a request. Currently, I'm in my first year of college as a psychology student. As a result, we have to conduct several researchers for our assignments. As of now, I'm conducting another research on "social interactions". In total, I would need to have a total… Continue reading I need your help!


Reading Marathon 2020 🏃‍♂️

Hello readers! For the past month, I have been getting myself immersed in reading fiction novels. I would have never expected myself to be a "bookworm", but I eventually did. Mostly, I have been reading horror, psychology thrillers, and romance genre. And I can affirm you that they are the BEST. As in, they are… Continue reading Reading Marathon 2020 🏃‍♂️

advice, Uncategorized

Incubation Period 2020 😷

Hello readers! I hope all of you are healthy and well. 💟 It has been a dreadful start to 2020 so far with so many global issues happening. During this self-quarantine period, what have you all been working on? Personally, I have been watching so much Netflix shows until just yesterday, my subscription ended... Other… Continue reading Incubation Period 2020 😷


An Imaginary Slice of Life 🥧

Faraway Away from the urban area was a small village with roads that were bumpy and not traffic-worthy. There were no footpaths except for that one small and narrow lane along the side of the road for pedestrians to walk on. Unlike the hustling and busy streets of Los Angeles, the roads had the least… Continue reading An Imaginary Slice of Life 🥧


Favourite Poem by Robert Phillips 🦅

Methaphorical Poem about Anxiety 🚧 by Robert Phillips The Panic Bird just flew inside my chest. Some days it lights inside my brain, but today it's in my bonehouse, rattling ribs like a birdcage. If I saw it coming, I'd fend it off with machete or baseball bat. Or grab its scrawny hackled neck, wring… Continue reading Favourite Poem by Robert Phillips 🦅

Favourite Posts, poems

A Woman Must Be…

Poem suggests the “idealistic” goal of what a woman should be like and the effect of societal norms #well-written 🙂

Wild Scared Crazy

Pure,’ they say,
A woman must be pure.’
Untouched by any other man,
That’s reserved only for her husband.

Skilled,’ they say,
A woman must be skilled.’
An expert in all household chores,
Prefect to move into her husband’s home.

Soft,’ they say,
A woman must be soft.
Never voicing a word of objection,
Quiet and humble, even when she’s trampled.

Pretty,’ they say,
A woman must be pretty.
Put on all the make-up in the world,
Conceal the blemishes, scars, the true beauty.

Employed,’ they say,
A woman must be employed.’
Not draining a man’s income,
But earn lesser, you can’t injure a man’s ego.

Independent,’ they say,
A woman must be independent.’
But the whole house can be dependent on her,
Be it office…

View original post 43 more words


weird craving for protein bars

Hello readers! I hope you all are doing well 🙂 I've just received the news that I got shortlisted for an interview for my desired college studies! Anyways, recently I have been spending most of my time on social media (Youtube, Instagram, Quora etc.). This is highly not recommended because I got so engrossed in… Continue reading weird craving for protein bars